I like the idea of write progress, but, it can be a little confusing depending on how complex your wiring up of the counters is. Using one of the Get-Help examples I wrote this to display a progress bar while iterating through a GCI collection:
$begin = { $i = 0; $out = }
$end = { $out }
$process = {
$i ++ ;
Write-Progress -PercentComplete ( $i / $filecount * 100) -Activity Showing simple counter -Status Progress:
$files = Get-ChildItem C:Windowssystem32
$filecount = $files .count
$files |
ForEach-Object -Begin $begin -Process $process -end $end
This is really nothing more than window dressing as it does nothing more than show this (where more os are added as it iterates over the collection:
Showing simple counter
[ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ]
In reality, I used this to indicate how long a file copy was running which looked like this:
# Collect file info
$filecount = ( $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $BaseFolder -Recurse ).count$begin = { $i = 0; $out = }
$end = { $out }
$process = {
$i ++ ;
Write-Progress -PercentComplete ( $i / $filecount * 100) -Activity Copying files -Status Progress:
Write-Verbose "$(Write-TimeStamp): Copying $($_.fullname)." ;
Copy-Item -Path $_ .fullname -Destination ( $_ .fullname -replace test , $environment )
Also, a nice trick I try to use whenever I can is the first line. Gather two pieces of information in one line:
$filecount = ( $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $BaseFolder -Recurse ).count