Thursday, June 30, 2016

quake1 v12 29

quake1 v12-29-Support Apk for android
Tags:, quake 1 apk, quake 1 servers, quake 1 cheats, quake 102.1, quake 1 download, quake 1 iphone, quake 1 for android, quake1 android

quake1 v12-29-Support Apk
quake1 are available on android now.this game support WiFi-based multiplayer play. and can been connected with quake run on your PC. Have FUN!
- If the game dose nt work on your phone, email me, and I refund your money.phones now not playable listed bellow:
Samsung GT-I5800, HTC evo, Galaxy S II, Samsung galaxy gio, samsung transform, HTC sensation, x10 mini pro,Atrix, Xperia X8, garmin phone, samsung transform,HTC sensation, LG optimus m

- Want full version? search on the internet, find the full version data ,then copying full version data to the folder /sdcard/quake/id1
- The code of this game is under GPL, the code is here:

1. support armv7 and x86 cpu
2. compiled using the ndk v7.
1. add data into game,no need to download
2011-7-8 version 1.5
fix the Crash
2011-7-8 version 1.4
1.add crash report funtion

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Defence Hero 2 APK 1 1 0


Defence Hero 2 APK 1.1.0
Tags: defence hero 2 apk, defence hero 2, defence.hero.2.v1.0.1.rar, starcraft 2 hero defence, dawn war 2 hero defence, dow 2 hero defence, dawn war 2 hero defence mod, starcraft 2 hero defence map, mayo hero defence v1.20d, dow 2 hero defence mod

Are you Ready to play the role of a Hero, the one you always wanted to be. You are facing a world of war against humans. You need to give it a stop because the future of Humankind is in danger! Immerse yourself in a thrilling battle to save your people!!

Defense Hero II is an action packed strategy game where you play the role of a hero and fight many thrilling battles against your enemies. Find out more battle cards to prove yourself a great hero!


Game features :
CHOOSE your Hero!
-Choose your Hero to play through the epic story! (More heroes to be updated.)
-Level up your hero to unlock a variety of skills.

ASSEMBLE your own team of warriors!
-Collect +30 unique unit & +50 item cards and load out your deck for battle.
-Explore a variety of strategies by uniquely composing the cards in your deck.

CUSTOMIZE your own battle cards
- Reinforce your units, and fuse your items by enchanting.
- Create cards that will turn the tables on the enemies!

Challenge your friends!
-Challenge & compete with your friends through the iOS game center

No time for slacking!
-Use your instincts to generate your units, use the item cards, and use the hero’s powerful skills all at the same time!

Play Dark Paladin for FREE + 5 free stages with Holy Archer! Awesome game!
Download,free,android,apk,amazing alex hd,high definition
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PowerShell v2 Set Process Priority on Slow Scheduled Tasks

While troubleshooting some slow processes on a server I had my server guy take a look. After some wild goose chasing he discovered that Windows Server 2008 R2 defaults to a priority level of Low by default for scheduled tasks. All the troubleshooting we had done never led us to look at this, but, it explained everything perfectly. Once he exported the task in question to XML he noticed this little nugget:
The enumeration for this is "Low". Having changed the value to 4 (or "Normal" per this reference) and reimported he found the script associated with the job now ran as expected. Wondering how we could handle this programatically we found this link:
[MSH] How to change a Processs Priority 
from the days of Monad. Taking his suggestion one step further I came up with this:
(Get-Process -id $pid).PriorityClass = "Normal"
Using the $pid to automatically refer to the instance of PowerShell running my script I can handle this in a single line rather than having to export/manipulate XML or task objects.
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USB device is not detected or is malfunctioning

Pen Drive USB Device
It’s not easy to troubleshoot a USB device, since they are usually plug-n-play devices. If your OS is Windows XP, it’s very easy to install and begin using a USB device; Windows XP has its own native drivers. But if your drive is not detectable, then the issue is probably hardware related. You could try the following steps to solve this issue:
  1. Sometimes the problem is solved by simply unplugging it and plugging it back firmly. It can be a case of loose connection.
  2. Try restarting your computer with the drive plugged into the USB port.
  3. Some times there is a voltage drop across the USB port which also can be responsible for the problem. Simply wait for few minutes it will be detected automatically.
  4. If all these attempts are useless, go to the "Device Manager"- Right click on my computer icon desktop and click on "Manage >> Device Manager".
    • Expand the Universal Serial Bus Controller List.
    • You can see an exclamation mark. Right-click on it and then click on "Uninstall".
    • Now, Right-click on "Universal Serial Bus Controller" and click on scan for hardware changes. Now your USB device must be detected.
If all these attempts have not solved your problem, then probably you device is malfunctioning.
Visit microsoft help for more. Click here.
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Do you use Internet glue


Do you use Internet glue? Do you know what it is? Basically its a web service that links two web services together; hence the name Internet glue. For example, actions  you take in your webmail system could to update your ToDo list, or add a calendar reminder. Back in January I blogged about how I use IFTTT (if this then that) to create and disseminate these blog posts. Increasingly though these systems are starting to integrate with our smartphones. IFTTT can use the iPhones location to trigger actions and can integrate with iOS reminders, contacts and the camera roll.  IFTTT has now launched on Android with a deeper set of integrations with the OS than their iOS offering. This is possible because Android has a "more laissez-faire attitude when it comes to allowing apps to extend their tentacles into core OS functions."
If you havent started using IFTTT I highly recommend you do. Not only can it smooth your workflow but it can also be fun.

from The Universal Machine


Put the internet to work for you.

via Personal Recipe 895909

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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Simple is better Making your web forms easy to use pays off


Imagine yourself filling out a long and cumbersome form on a website to register for a service. After several minutes of filling out fields, coming up with a password, and handling captchas, you click the submit button to encounter your form filled with red error messages. Suddenly the “close tab” button seems much more tempting than before.

Despite the rapid evolution of the Internet, web forms, with their limited and unilateral way of interaction, remain one of the core barriers between users and website owners. Any kind of obstacle or difficulty in filling in online forms can lead to increased frustration by the user, resulting in drop-outs and information loss.

In 2010, a set of 20 guidelines to optimize web forms was published by researchers from the University of Basel in Switzerland, including best practices aimed to improve web forms and reduce frustration, errors and drop-outs. For instance, guideline no. 13 states that if answers are required in a specific format, the imposed rule should communicated in advance; or no. 15 that states that forms should never clear already completed fields after an error occurs.

To investigate the impact of applying these rules, we conducted a study and presented our results at CHI 2014: Designing usable web forms: empirical evaluation of web form improvement guidelines. In the study, we examined a sample of high traffic online forms and rated them based on how well they followed the form guidelines outlined by the 2010 publication. We then selected three different online forms of varying qualities (low, medium and high), and improved them by applying the guidelines, with the high quality form needing less modification than the medium and low quality forms. We then tested both the original and improved forms extensively with 65 participants in a controlled lab environment.

In our study, the modified forms showed significant improvements over the original forms in the time users needed to complete a form, an increase in successful first-trial submissions and higher user satisfaction. As expected, the impact was highest when the original form was of low quality, but even high quality forms showed improved metrics.

Furthermore, user interviews with participants in the study revealed which guidelines were most impactful in improving the forms:

  • Format specifications (e.g., requiring a minimum password length) should be stated in the form, prior to submission. The application of this guideline had a large positive impact on user performance, subjective user ratings and was also mentioned frequently in user interviews.
  • Error messages must be placed next to the erroneous field and designed in a way users are easily able to fix the problem. Doing this reduced form-filling time and increased subjective ratings.
  • Most frequently users mentioned that it was key to be able to tell apart optional and mandatory fields.

Example Guideline: State format specification in advance
 Example Guideline :Place error message next to erroneous fields
Example Guideline: Distinguish optional and mandatory fields
Putting field labels above rather than adjacent to the fields in the form led also to improvements in the way users scanned the form. Using eye-tracking technology, our study shows that users needed less number of fixations, less fixation time and fewer saccades before submitting the form for the first time.

Figure 4.png
Scan path for an original and improved form
From our study, we conclude that optimizing online forms is well worth the resource investment. With easy to implement actions, you can improve your forms, increase the number of successful transactions, and end up with more satisfied users. Google is currently working on implementing these findings on our own forms.

We wish to thank our co-authors at the University of Basel, Switzerland for their collaboration in this work: Silvia Heinz, Klaus Opwis and Alexandre Tuch.
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PowerShell v3 Type Accelerators Cheat and a lot of Hot Wind

This is straight off of Hals Google+.
[PSObject].Assembly.GetType(System.Management.Automation.TypeAccelerators)::Get.GetEnumerator() | sort key | select key 
Now, to get a little more into the arcane side of all things PowerShelly, heres a little sidenote (and history): this was shifted from being a public class in v2 to an internal class in v3 as indicated by James ONeill: System.Management.Automation.TypeAccelerators broken in V3 CTP2.

To get around to seeing whats buried in there with v3 you have to resort to a little trickery (calling the assembly itself...which references all exported objects...then drill down into the DLR indirectly). This explains why you are unable to see a "clean" list of TypeAccelerators in v3. For example, v3 shows the following with my hopped up command:
# Type accelarators
[PSObject].Assembly.GetType(System.Management.Automation.TypeAccelerators)::Get.GetEnumerator() |
sort key|
select key|
% {$_.key.ToString().Trim()}
and it returns:

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Adobe Flash CS3 Professional Portable

Adobe Flash CS3 is used to create interactive content for websites as well as enrich games whether they are destined for PC, mobile phones or portable devices. Adobe Flash (formerly called Macromedia Flash and Shockwave Flash) is a multimedia and software platform used for creating vector graphics, animation, browser games, rich Internet applications, desktop applications, mobile applications and mobile games. Flash displays text, vector and raster graphics to provide animations, video games and applications. It allows streaming of audio and video, and can capture mouse, keyboard, microphone and camera input.

This program includes the following features:
  • Impressive integration with other Adobe programs, especially Photoshop and Illustrator
  • New Paste dialog box
  • Convert any animation created into ActionScript 3.0 with an advanced debugger
  • Quite intuitive user interface following Adobe’s signature style
  • Possibility of importing native Fireworks CS3 files
  • Create content for mobile devices thanks to Adobe Device Central
  • New drawing tools which stand out are the Pen Tool, Convert Anchor Point Tool, Delete Anchor Point Tool and Add Anchor Point Tool
  • New components for ActionScript 3.0
  • Advanced QuickTime export system
  • New video encoding options

Adobe Flash CS3 Professional Portable.

Computer Knowledge
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PowerShell v3 Function Change ProcessPriority

Not sure why I didnt put this one out when I wrote it. I come up with way too many functions...
function Change-ProcessPriority
            .EXAMPLE 1
                  Change-ProcessPriority "High"
                  Author: Will Steele (
                  Last Modified Date: 06/14/2012
            .PARAMETER Priority
                  A mandatory string indicating the process level to which you want to
                  update a processes priority level.
                  Mandatory = $true
      if((Get-Process -Id $PID).PriorityClass -eq $Priority)
            Write-Output "The process priority for PID ($PID) is already set to $($Priority).";
            Write-Output "Setting the process priority for PID ($PID) to $($Priority).";
            (Get-Process -Id $PID).PriorityClass = $Priority;
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Monday, June 27, 2016

Welcome to Computer Class week 1

This site serves as our jumping off point for all of our lessons and projects. Instead of a text book we have web pages with instructions, examples, links and videos. If you are ever unsure of what you need to do, check this site first.

Should there ever be a substitute on a computer day, all your instructions for the day will be on this home page. We are beginning our computer class this year with typing practice. Learning to type fast is so important for todays world and the future. It takes practice to get faster. No matter how fast you type now, your goal for this unit is to improve your personal speed.

Click on your grade level above and then click on Unit 1.

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After Effects Basic Tutorial In Hindi By Media Masters


After Effects Basic Tutorial In Hindi By Media Masters.

Computer Knowledge
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How to find the IP address of the sender in Yahoo! mail

When you receive an email, you receive more than just the message. The email comes with headers that carry important information that can tell where the email was sent from and possibly who sent it. For that, you would need to find the IP address of the sender. The tutorial below can help you find the IP address of the sender. Note that this will not work if the sender uses anonymous proxy servers.

Finding IP address in Yahoo! Mail

1. Log into your Yahoo! mail with your username and password.
2. Click on Inbox or whichever folder you have stored your mail.
3. Open the mail.
4. If you do not see the headers above the mail message, your headers are not displayed. To display the headers,
* Click on Options on the top-right corner
* In the Mail Options page, click on General Preferences
* Scroll down to Messages where you have the Headers option
* Make sure that Show all headers on incoming messages is selected
* Click on the Save button
* Go back to the mails and open that mail.
5. You should see similar headers like this:Yahoo! headers : nameLook for Received: from followed by the IP address between square brackets [ ]. Here, it is is be the IP address of the sender!
6. Track the IP address of the sender
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Sunday, June 26, 2016

How to get Paid apps for free


Hey guys,

my name is Marco and I have just decided to write blog (series of them). Well I will write about android, specifically about apps and games for android. Every week I will post, up to 5 posts. In evry post I will deliver you 10-15 apps or games, two posts will be about apps (top 10 new apps of the week and best apps category --> eg. News readers) and two about games (top 10 game releases and top 10 games of week --> random games) and one about some random android stuff. And I promise that you will never, ever see an ugly app, on the contrary, you will see a lot holo styled apps that I think looks awesome.

Why am I going to write this blog?

 Well I wanted to record videos for youtube, but as I am not from English-speaking country I    sound stupid speaking English so I decided to write blogs. Every app I show in my posts Ive test and used for couple of days.For testing these apps I use Samsung galaxy tab 2 10.1 , so all you tablet owners dont worry, every single app is tablet optimized or looks good on tablets.

How to download paid apps and games for free?

 Today I will show you a couple of apps that will enable you to download PAID apps and games for FREE!!!

1. Aptoide

Just how I said this app will enable you to download almost every app or game that is in play store and even once that are not. It has the biggest amount pound apps and games. It look nice and simple. Well you tab have a little bit of problems using it because not all apps are stored in app, most of them are stored on their website so when you search for an app or game just click "search in other stores" --> it will send you to your browser (their website) so dont wory just find the latest version off app and enjoy.



 2. Amazon appstore

 Amazons mobile appstore is a veritable storehouse of paid apps available for free. The list of free apps is updated daily and there are often discounts and promotions on paid apps during the festive seasons. The Amazon app store also has a feature termed Test Drive using which apps can be tested before installation



  3. GetPaidAppsFree

 With GetPaidAppsFree, you can LEGALLY get any paid app without paying anything.Here’s how it works: You earn points by watching short videos or by downloading free apps from selected catalogue. After you’ve earned some points, you can cash them out in a prepaid virtual Visa™ credit card. Then you may shop Google Play™ Store to get whatever paid app you want! You may also use your prepaid card to shop at any online stores.



4. Play store

 The last tip (not app) which is the most reliable and the best way to download the paid app is by paying for an app in Android market. To use this option you should have a good file explorer app ES file explorer.

  •  Go to Android market and purchase any app. Within the 15 minutes of trial period you. can get the full refund if you cancel the order.
  • The app gets downloaded on your smart phone. 
  •  Open ES file explorer and click on Options > Manager > App Manager. 
  •  Go to list of installed apps and press on the app you just purchased and click on backup. The app backup will be made in backup folder of your SD card.
  •   Once the backup is made, cancel the order and install it from the backup folder again. Your money will be refunded after you cancel the order.
  • Enjoy!!!


 These were the best solutions for getting paid apps for free. My personal favorite is Aptoide, its the simplest and easiest why of downloading apps for FREE. Well as its my personal favorite, under every paid app I review I will provide link for aptoide (link of that app so you can download it for free). I will also provide QR code for aptoide, not for play store because you can install apps from your PC (play store) directly to your smartphone so you dont need QR code for play store.


Monday: best apps by category
Tuesday: best games of week
Wednesday: random
Thursday: Android newbies: 10 new apps worth of checking out
Friday: top 10 game releases of week


 If you have any question about android or anything else just leave a comment down below or send me an email even message on Twitter/Facebook. I would also appreciate it if you can tell me how bad is my English and if you have any ideas on how to improve blog contact me.
My qustion: Do you want to se some screenshots of app or "timeline" photo and description are enough

P.S. as Ive said Im not from English-speaking country so sorry because of bad English.

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Memory Booster Full Version 4 5


Memory Booster (Full Version) 4.5 apk
Tags: magic portals apk, magic portals walkthrough, magic portals 2-18, magic portals level 31, magic portals level 11, magic portals hd apk, magic portals android walkthrough, magic portals cheats, magic portals 2.3 apk

Memory Booster (Full Version) 4.5 Apk Download

APK NAME: Memory Booster (Full Version)
FOR ANDROID: 1.5 and up
CATEGORY: Productivity
SIZE: 462k
PRICE: $2.97
UPDATED: August 10, 2012

Memory Booster is a powerful mobile memory & RAM boosting tool specially designed for Android smartphone users. It is designed to tackle the difficult yet crucial problem of memory management for all Android devices. Memory Booster reclaims lost memory for your programs by defragmenting your smartphones memory and recovering memory leaks from poorly behaved applications.

* Real-time Memory Status Report & Monitor
* Setting Your Performance Target
* One-click Quick Memory Boosting
* Auto-boosting in the Background
* Android system crash protection
* And there is more...

Memory Booster (Full Version) 4.5 Apk Download

Other features include embedded Task Killer, Whitelist Manager, Boost Level Manager & Memory Boost Log, which assist Memory Booster to perform more efficiently and friendly.

New in this version:
- Add Turkish language support
- Market error fix
- Add more system information
- Other minor improvement


Full Download Memory Booster (Full Version) 4.5 Apk
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PowerShell v3 in a Year Day 4 about Arithmetic Operators

Much of the arithmetic operator information is straightforward, as you would assume it to be in algebra or math class:

  • + : adds the value on the right to the value on the left
  • - : subtracts the value on the right from the value on the left
  • - : preceding a number, negates it
  • * : multiples two numbers
  • * : copies strings/arrays the number of times specified
  • / : divides the two numbers
  • % : returns the modulo, aka, the remainder of a division operator
One of the really important things about the arithmetic operators is the order of precedence. Knowing this can solve a lot of little mysteries in weird results. This is straight from the help:
  • Parentheses ()
  • - (for a negative number)
  • *, /, %
  • +, - (for subtraction)
And a series of demonstrations straight from the help to give examples of how it plays out in actual practice:
  • 3+6/3*4= 11
  • 10+4/2 = 12
  • (10+4)/2 = 7
  • (3+3)/(1+1) =
And a few more interest variable evaluations:
  • a= 0
  • $b = 1,2
  • $c = -1,-2
  • $b[$a] = $c[$a++]
  • $b returns 1, -1
Rounding in PowerShell is similar to your standard algebra. If a value is equal to or greater than 0.5 it rounds to the higher integer value. Otherwise, it rounds down.

Interestingly, non-numeric types respond to the arithmetic operators, as in strings, arrays and hashtables. Both addition and multiplication can be done with the above, excluding hashtables. You cant multiply hashtables. When you add any of the above, they are merely concatenated. In the process a new object is created, so if you are doing massive computations, realize memory will get taxed fairly heavily. So, if we have two arrays:
  • $a= 1,2,3
  • $b = 4,5,
    Adding them together gives you:
    • $a+ $b = 1,2,3,4,5,
    One gotcha here is that, if you are performing arithmetic with objects of various types (lets say an int, a string and an array) the leftmost value is what all values are attempted to convert to. If all successfully convert, the operation succeeds. If not, it fails. Here are four examples:
    • "file"+ 16 = file16
    • $array= 1,2,3; $array + 16 = 1,2,3,16
    • $array+ "file"; 1,2,3,file
    • "file"* 3 = filefilefile
    Hash tables and arrays are a bit unique and reading the help can give you more precise example to demonstrate the value. 
    • If you add a hashtable to an array, its an array with a hashtable. 
    • If you add two hashtables, its one larger hashtable. 
    • Hashtables and non-collections cannot be added. 
    • Hashtables with identical keys cannot be added since that invalidates the uniqueness condition of a hashtable key set.
    Using the += operator can add elements to both arrays and hashtables. The syntax for both is different. Not that you must wrap a key/value pair, for a hashtable, to use the += approach, otherwise, you need to use .Add(key,value):
    • $array+= 1
    • $hashtable+= @{d =1}
    When adding two different types, for instance, an int and a decimal, the cast to retain greatest precision is automatically performed. Similarly, if two datatypes require an automatic widening conversion, PowerShell handles it without remark.

    Performing arithmetic operations with variables is essentially the same thing as working with the underlying variable values. For instance, if I have this:
    • $a= 1
    • $b= 1
    • $a+ $b = 2
      Similarly, referring back to the leftmost type determines conversion type rule:
      • $a= Windows
      • $b = PowerShell
      • $c = 3
      • $a + $b + $c = Windows PowerShell 3
      Not only can operators be used with expressions in numbers, strings and arrays... Objects are also subject to the rules. Take the example of Get-Date
      • Get-Date returns Wednesday, September12, 2012 2:30:16 AM 
      • $day= new-timespan-day 1; (get-date) + $day returns Thursday, September13, 2012 2:36:39 AM
      Note the help says get-date + $day, but, when I tested this, you had to run a (get-date) subexpression evaluation first. I threw this in Connect as a doco bug fix if you want to upvote. Lowly, but, anyway...
        A second example:

        • get-process| where {($ * 2) -gt 50mb}  returns a list of process objects whose doubled Working Sets sizes were greater than 50Mb. The key here is to realize you can use calculations on the fly with operators (in this case *, not just +).
        A series of basic arithmetic operators:
        • 1+ 1 = 2
        • 1 - 1 = 0
        • -(6 + 3) = -9
        • * 2 = 12 
        • / 2 = 3.5
        • 7 % 2 = 1
        • w * 3 = www
        There are plenty of further examples that could be explored, but, many of the quirks you will run into are explored above. As you have time, try out combinations of weird things you think you know the answer to so as to validate PowerShells computational rules against your own. This is key to avoiding some of the most confusing of all problems: unexpressed conceptual fundamentals. 

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