This is a topic lots of folks have covered. I just revisited it and thought I would jot it down for posteritys sake. Note, I took the basic C# from this link:
Get IP Address from DNS Hostname in C#
Specifically, I just needed to know what the IPv4 address was, so, I used this approach:
Since there may be more than one IP Address, you need to deal with it as is appropriate in your case. Here, I just needed 1 address I could use for testing a public internet IP address. If you want to back up a step and look at the broader result set from the query, here is what you will get:
Address : 601988312
AddressFamily : InterNetwork
ScopeId :
IsIPv6Multicast : False
IsIPv6LinkLocal : False
IsIPv6SiteLocal : False
IsIPv6Teredo : False
IPAddressToString :
Address : 551656664
AddressFamily : InterNetwork
ScopeId :
IsIPv6Multicast : False
IsIPv6LinkLocal : False
IsIPv6SiteLocal : False
IsIPv6Teredo : False
IPAddressToString :
In this case, I simply took the lowest IP address (array index 0) and grabbed the IPAddressToString property. The method, .GetHostAddresses, has the following definition: