Sunday, April 24, 2016

How to add space between words in a blogger post

Ave you ever tried to keep more than one space between two words. If no try first. Blogger does not allow you to add more than one space between two words. Even if you try pressing space-bar hundred times, it will not work.
Below words are separated with 10 spaces:
Vinod          Vinod

Now coming to the point, there are two ways to do this:
  • Using non-breaking space ( )
  • using pre tag (<pre> </pre>)

To add any number add spaces, put that many number of (&nbsp;) between those words.
Eg: Copy and paste the following code in your post:

Now, well try the second method:
Using pre tag, we can add space with your Space-bar itself. Now, you can add hundred spaces with your Space-bar.
Try This: Vinod<pre>                   </pre>Vinod

Note: All these tricks have to be done in Edit Html tab of create post. After doing this trick, do not go to Compose tab. Otherwise, again there will be only one space.
Enjoy blogging!!!

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