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SQL Query collection: Set1 Set2 Set3 Set 4
Below is the Table Structure using which you have to form the queries:
1) Display the details of THOSE WHO are drawing the same salary.
Table Structure
2) Display the details of software developed by male programmers earing MORE than 3000.
Table Structure
from programmer p,software s
where p.name=s.name and salary>3000 and sex=m;
3) Display details of packages developed in PASCAL by female programmers.
Table Structure
from programmer p,software s
where p.name=s.name and sex=f and dev_in=pascal;
4) Display the details of these programmer WHO joined BEFORE 1990.
Table Structure
from programmer
where to_char(doj,yy)<90;
5)Display details of software developed in C by female programmers of PRAGATHI.
Table Structure
from software s,studies st,programmer p
where s.name=st.name and p.name=s.name and sex=f and splace=pragathi;
6) Display NUMBER of packages NUMBER of copies sold and sales value of EACH programmer Institute-wise.
Table Structure
from software,studies
where software.name=studies.name group by studies.splace;
7) Display details of software developed in DBASE by male programmers WHO belong to the institute on which MOST NUMBER OF programmers studies.
Table Structure
from programmer,software,studies
where programmer.name=software.name and software.name=studies.name and programmer.name=studies.name and sex=m and dev_in=dbase and splace= (select splace
from studies group by splace having count(splace) =(select max(count(splace))
from studies group by splace));
8) Display the details of the software that was developed by male programmers born BEFORE 1965 and female programmers born AFTER 1975.
Table Structure
from programmer p,software s
where s.name=p.name and sex=m and to_char(dob,yy)<64 or sex=f and To_char(dob,yy)>75);
9) Display the details of the software that was developed in the language that is NOT the programmers first proficiency.
Table Structure
from software
where dev_in in(select unique(prof2)
from programmer
where prof2 not in(select prof1
from programmer));
select distinct x.* from software x, programmer y
where y.prof1 <> x.dev_in
and x.name = y.name
10) Display details of software that was developed in the language which is NITHER first NOR second proficiency of the programmer.
Table Structure
from programmer p,software s
where s.name=p.name and (dev_in <> prof1 and dev_in <> prof2);
11) Display details of software developed by male students of SABHARI.
Table Structure
from programmer p,software s,studies st
where p.name=s.name and s.name=st.name and sex=m and splace=sabhari;
12) Display the names of programmers WHO HAVE NOT developed any package.
Table Structure
from programmer
where name not in(select name
from software);
select distinct name from programmer minus
select distinct name from software;
13) What is the total cost of the software developed by the programmers by APPLE?
Table Structure
from software s,studies st
where s.name=st.name and splace=apple;
select sum(x.scost) from software x, studies y where
group by y.splace
y.splace = APPLE
14) Who are the programmers WHO JOINED in the same day?
Table Structure
from programmer a,programmer b
where a.doj=b.doj and a.name <> b.name;
select name from programmer where to_char(doj,dd)=
any(select to_char(doj,dd) from programmer
group by
15) Who are the programmers WHO HAVE THE SAME PROF2?
Table Structure
from programmer a,programmer b
where a.prof2=b.prof2 and a.name <> b.name;
select name from programmer where prof2 = any(
select prof2 from programmer group by prof2 having count(*) >1);
16) Display the total sales values of software, institutes-wise.
Table Structure
from software,studies
where studies.name=software.name group by studies.splace;
17) In which institutes did the person who developed the COSTLIEST package study?
Table Structure
from software st,studies s
where s.name=st.name group by splace,dcost having max(dcost)=(select max(dcost) from software);
select x.splace from studies x, software y where
y.scost = ( select max(y.scost) from software y) and
18) Which language listed in prof1 and prof2 HAS NOT BEEN used to develop any package?
Table Structure
from programmer
where prof1 not in(select dev_in
from software) union
select prof2
from programmer
where prof2 not in(select dev_in from software);
(select distinct prof1 from prgrammer union
select distinct prof2 from programmer) minus
select distinct dev_in from software;
19) How much does the person WHO developed the HIGHEST selling package earn and WHAT course did he/she undergo?
Table Structure
from programmer p1,software s1,studies s2
where p1.name=s1.name and s1.name=s2.name and scost=(select max(scost) from software);
20) How many months will it take for each programmer to recover the cost of the course underwent?
Table Structure
from programmer p,studies s
where s.name=p.name;
21) Which is the COSTLIEST package developed by a person with under 3 years expenence?
Table Structure
from programmer p,software s
where p.name=s.name and dcost= (select max(software.dcost)
from programmer p, software s
where p.name=s.name and to_char(round(((sysdate- doj)/365)+100))<3);
select x.title from software x, programmer y where
(months_between(sysdate, y.doj)/12) > 3 and
22) What is the AVERAGE salary for those WHOSE softwares sales value is more than 50,000?
Table Structure
from programmer p,software s
where p .name=s.name and sold*scost>50000;
23) How many packages were developed by the students WHO studied in the institute that Charge the LOWEST course fee?
Table Structure
from software s,studies st
where s.name=st.name group by s.name,ccost having min(ccost)=(select min(ccost) from studies);
24) How many packages were developed by the person WHO developed the CHEAPEST package. Where did heshe study?
Table Structure
from programmer p,software s
where s .name=p.name group by dev_in having min(dcost)=(select min(dcost) from software);
25) How many packages were developed by female programmers earning MORE than the HIGHEST paid male programmer?
Table Structure
from programmer p,software s
where s.name=p.name and sex=f and salary>(select max(salary)
from programmer p,software s
where s.name=p.name and sex=m);
26) How many packages were developed by the MOST experienced programmers from BDPS.
Table Structure
from software s,programmer p
where p.name=s.name group by doj having max(doj)=(select max(doj)
from studies st,programmer p, software s
where p.name=s.name and st.name=p.name and (splace=bdps));
select count(x.name) from software x, programmer y, studies x where
months_between(sysdate, y.doj)/12) = (select max(months_between(sysdate,y.doj)/12)
from programmer y, studies = where
x.splace = BDPS and y.name = z.name) and
x.name=y.name and
27) List the programmers (from software table) and institutes they studied, including those WHO DIDNT develop any package.
Table Structure
from studies
where name not in(select name
from software);
(select distinct x.name, z.splace from programmer x, software y, studies z where
x.name not in (select y.name from software y) and
x.name = z.name) union
(select distinct y.name, z.splace from
software y, studies z where y.name=z.name);
28) List each profit with the number of programmers having that prof1 and the number of packages developed in that prof1.
Table Structure
from software
where dev_in in (select prof1
from programmer) group by dev_in;
29) List programmer names (from programmer table) and number of packages EACH developed.
Table Structure
from programmer p1,software s
where p1.name=s.name group by s.name;
select programmer name, count(title) from programmer , software
programmer name = software.name(+)
group by programmer.name;
30) List all the details of programmers who has done a course at S.S.I.L.
Table Structure
from programmer,studies
where splace=SSIL and programmer.name=software.name and programmer.name=studies.name and studies.splace=s.s.i.l.;
SQL Query collection: Set1 Set2 Set3 Set 4